Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Keep your eyes open for the up coming tennis competition and High 5 netball competition.

Miss R

The gym comp on Monday was fantastic! The children did really well, we entered 6 teams from year 1 to year 6 and they all had a floor routine and a vault to perform. They all remembered to point their toes and keep everything well controlled and were rewarded with Methley Team A getting a first place and Methley Team F getting second place! The effort that the children put in was tremendous and they all deserved a gold medal!
Well done Methley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss R and Mrs F

Friday, 11 February 2011


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to your sports and competitions page.

Gymnastics club, the competition is on Monday 14th Feb so please remember your kit and Mrs Falkingham and I will see you at Temple Moor all ready to have a fun competition.

Miss R